Category Archives: Pasta

Broccoli and Cheese Pasta Bake

Have you ever lost something precious and never found it? Or better, you found it when you forgot about it or when you just gave up? So happened with this recipe. I meant to post it months and months ago but my notes and ingredients went missing. Lost in the vortex that was my study and computer files. The one day, when my mind was in a writing funk, I decided to go work in one of my favourite coffee haunts. When I cleared my head I decided to sort and back up some writing stuff I had produced over the past few weeks, and there it was. If I wasn’t surrounded by people I think I would have had a happy dance moment. I know there’s the dance-as-if-no one’s-watching clan out there but I guess it would have been too much in a coffee shop and I would have risked being persona non grata if I did that.

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Easy Mediterranean Spaghettini

Easy Mediterranean Spaghettini (0654)When I started writing this post, I had something totally different planned, but I decided to be spontaneous and changed my mind. Right now. I don’t even know if I’ll manage to post this today. Today as in Wednesday. Sometimes I feel so rushed during the day, that this blog is the first to take the hit. Unfortunately so I always say, as C&T is where, to a certain degree, I feel myself the most. I feel glad about this, because I never wanted to lose myself in here. Let me rephrase that: I never want to present anything that is not me. The food in the photos is never wasted, always eaten by us and/or friends and family. I share, because I love to, I want to, and of course, because I cannot justify eating a whole cake by myself. Well…

So let’s take a little break from cake and let me give you this.

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Fettuccine with a simple tomato and red pepper sauce

Fettuccine with Bacon and Pepper Sauce (8367)

I’ve always said that, for me, the hardest part of writing recipes is not really the recipes themselves, but the introduction. I’m never happy to post something without one. I think food, like most of the things in life, has to have some kind of context, no matter how small it might be.

Now when I say ‘small’ I don’t mean insignificant. I never mean that because to me that’s somewhat disrespectful. Eating with your partner, spouse, friends, or even alone is never a small thing. I don’t want to sound too philosophical here. Leading busy lives means that sometimes we might skip supper and/or lunch with others. That’s one reason why I like to have people over for supper. Sometimes I do it on the spur of the moment, on a whim,  when I know my pantry and fridge are stocked for that week. Sometimes I even wing it, without many ingredients to hand. We all have those days where all we want is to be alone, and for the most part I lunch alone, but nothing beats a full table.

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Trottole with Courgettes and Ricotta (#PastaFriday and the conclusion to Writing 101)

Trottole with Courgette Sauce and Ricotta (7804)

I can’t quite get my head round the fact that it’s already the beginning of October. Children have started school this week here in Malta and today, poor things, they made their way in the rain. We had quite a storm this morning and this doesn’t make the commute easy for all those who have to walk out the door to work. Flooding affected the usual places and traffic was even more nightmarish than usual. I hope everyone made it to their destination in one piece. It’s Friday once again though, so there’s the weekend to look forward to. Anything to hold on to, to make life better, right?

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Penne with Pancetta, Mushrooms and Bechamel (#PastaFriday)


I think the day has finally come. The day when I can dare to say that the air is crisp and fresh and autumn is here. Can this be true? I don’t know about you but to me this kind of weather makes me want to eat mushrooms. And pancetta. And pasta. Thank goodness these three stars go so well together. All they need is some kind of sauce. Now I’ve got a little confession to make. When I’m in a hurry I make a simple tomato one with a few other ingredients thrown here and there, but I’m not a huge fan. I will eat it because I like it. That’s all. What I really really like is a good cream sauce. Alas, that’s not the healthiest thing on Earth (what a huge disappointment) so instead, that is when I have the time I make bechamel.

Continue reading Penne with Pancetta, Mushrooms and Bechamel (#PastaFriday)